Viktor Sol // Books/Accelerationism: An Abstract Concept of Thought. - reference notes // Education //


Accelerationism: An Abstract Concept of Thought.

Accelerationism. Such a fascinating word, some would only associate such a word as such with radical political theories, let's think outside of that box and expand on the idea further. The concept of Accelerationism is something that could be interpreted in infinite ways, we will take a peek at some of the thoughts that have been stirred by Accelerationism as an abstract method of thinking. This piece of literature is a thought experiment on steroids along with concepts that a person could use to find inspiration within anything. There shouldn't be a limit to your capabilities, we live in the grandest of times to hunger for inspiration. If you can't envision this, I beg you, just try. Are you thinking as efficiently as you could be? Are you stuck trying to come up with an idea but at a wall? Give this method a try, you might be in for a surprise. Every day your life is full of potential threads that you can weave into a goal. Every day. Think radically, follow every branching path until you can see thirty moves forward, what do you have to lose? - The Author


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