title: ACCELERATE Manifesto
finished: 09/09/2023
started: 2023-09-09
- Alex Williams
- Nick Srnicek
- Politics
publish: 2,016
cover: https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1594829853l/54543794._SX318_.jpg
pages: 60
status: complete
time: "0.5"
rating: "8"
- books
If Newton lived in these dark days he would probably reformulate his laws following the formula of Accelerationism. By nature, manifestos are linked to time, build upon a time. For Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek, time is a raw material that can only be released from its obligations and contracts by means of acceleration. - Gato Negro Ediciones.
The Accelerate Manifesto, written by Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek, discusses the need for an accelerationist politics in response to the financial crisis and stagnation of capitalism. The manifesto argues that capitalism itself is associated with ideas of acceleration and growth, but it is now unable to maintain current living standards. The authors propose that technology should be accelerated in order to overcome social conflicts and achieve progress. They emphasize the importance of building an intellectual infrastructure, media reform, and reconstituting various forms of class power. The manifesto also advocates for a Promethean politics that seeks maximal mastery over society and its environment, as well as a revival of the argument for post-capitalism.
ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics / Accelerationist Manifesto Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek
Continued financial crisis has led governments to embrace the paralyzing death spiral policies of austerity, privatisation of social welfare services, mass unemployment, and stagnating wages. Increasing automation in production processes - including ‘intellectual labour’ - is evidence of the secular crisis of capitalism, soon to render it incapable of maintaining current standards of living for even the former middle classes of the global north.
If any system has been associated with ideas of acceleration it is capitalism. The essential metabolism of capitalism demands economic growth, with competition between individual capitalist entities setting in motion increasing technological developments in an attempt to achieve competitive advantage, all accompanied by increasing social dislocation
Indeed, as even Lenin wrote in the 1918 text “Left Wing” Childishness : "Socialism is inconceivable without large-scale capitalist engineering based on the latest discoveries of modern science. It is inconceivable without planned state organisation which keeps tens of millions of people to the strictest observance of a unified standard in production and distribution. We Marxists have always spoken of this, and it is not worth while wasting two seconds talking to people who do not understand even this.
accelerationist politics seeks to preserve the gains of late capitalism while going further than its value system, governance structures, and mass pathologies will allow
We want to accelerate the process of technological evolution. But what we are arguing for is not techno-utopianism. Never believe that technology will be sufficient to save us. Necessary, yes, but never sufficient without socio-political action.
Whereas the techno-utopians argue for acceleration on the basis that it will automatically overcome social conflict, our position is that technology should be accelerated precisely because it is needed in order to win social conflicts.
the left must take advantage of every technological and scientific advance made possible by capitalist society. We declare that quantification is not an evil to be eliminated, but a tool to be used in the most effective manner possible.
We do not believe that direct action is sufficient to achieve any of this. The habitual tactics of marching, holding signs, and establishing temporary autonomous zones risk becoming comforting substitutes for effective success. “At least we have done something” is the rallying cry of those who privilege self-esteem rather than effective action.
must be done with fetishising particular modes of action. Politics must be treated as a set of dynamic systems, riven with conflict, adaptations and counter-adaptations, and strategic arms races
The fetishisation of openness, horizontality, and inclusion of much of today’s ‘radical’ left set the stage for ineffectiveness. Secrecy, vertically, and exclusion all have their place as well in effective political action
Democracy cannot be defined simply by its means - not via voting, discussion, or general assemblies. Real democracy must be defined by its goal - collective self-mastery.
We have three medium term concrete goals. First, we need to build an intellectual infrastructure. Mimicking the Mont Pelerin Society of the neoliberal revolution, this is to be tasked with creating a new ideology, economic and social models, and a vision of the good to replace and surpass the emaciated ideals that rule our world today.
We need to construct wide-scale media reform. In spite of the seeming democratisation offered by the internet and social media, traditional media outlets remain crucial in the selection and framing of narratives, along with possessing the funds to prosecute investigative journalism. Bringing these bodies as close as possible to popular control is crucial to undoing the current presentation of the state of things.
Finally, we need to reconstitute various forms of class power.
Groups and individuals are already at work on each of these, but each is on their own insufficient. What is required is all three feeding back into one another, with each modifying the contemporary conjunction in such a way that the others become more and more effective.
To achieve each of these goals, on the most practical level we hold that the accelerationist left must think more seriously about the flows of resources and money required to build an effective new political infrastructure. Beyond the ‘people power’ of bodies in the street, we require funding, whether from governments, institutions, think tanks, unions, or individual benefactors.
We declare that only a Promethean politics of maximal mastery over society and its environment is capable of either dealing with global problems or achieving victory over capital.
We need to revive the argument that was traditionally made for post-capitalism: not only is capitalism an unjust and perverted system, but it is also a system that holds back progress. Our technological development is being suppressed by capitalism, as much as it has been unleashed. Accelerationism is the basic belief that these capacities can and should be let loose by moving beyond the limitations imposed by capitalist society.